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Publication | Sooyoul Kim's Coatal and Ocean Engineering Lab

Articles in preparation or under review

  1. Sooyoul Kim, Yoshiharu Matsumi, Shunqi Pan and Hajime Mase (2016) The development of an artificial neural network-based storm surge model: Application to the Tottori coast, Japan

  2. Sooyoul Kim, Jihee Oh, K.D. Suh and H. Mase (2016) Estimation of climate change impacts on storm surge: Application to Korean Peninsula, Coastal Engineering Journal, Special issue (submitted)

  3. Nguyen Ba Thuy, N.A.K. Nandasena, Vu Hai Dang, Sooyoul Kim, Nguyen Xuan Hien, Dang Thanh Mai (2016) Effect of embankment with river vegetation on ship wave attenuation: Investigation by field survey and numerical modeling (Under review)

Articles published or accepted in referred Journals (In English)

  1. Nguyen Ba Thuy, Sooyoul Kim, Do Dinh Chien,Vu Hai Dang, Hoang Duc Cuong and Lars Robert Hole (2016) Assessment of storm surge on the middle coast of Vietnam, Journal of Coastal Research (In printing)

  2. Sooyoul Kim, Yoshiharu Matsumi, Shunqi Pan and Hajime Mase (2016) A real-time forecast model using artificial neural network for after-runner storm surges on the Tottori coast, Japan, Ocean Engineering, 122, 44-53

  3. Sooyoul Kim, Nobuhito Mori, Hajime Mase, Tomohiro Yasuda (2015) The role of sea surface drag in a coupled surge and wave model for Typhoon Haiyan 2013, Ocean Modelling, 96, p.65-84, 10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.06.004

  4. Sooyoul Kim, Y., Matsumi, T., Yasuda, H., Mase (2014), Storm surges along the Tottori coasts following a typhoon, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 91, 133-145, DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2014.09.005

  5. Nobuhito Mori, Masaya Kato, Sooyoul Kim, Hajime Mase, Yoko Shibutani, Tetsuya Takemi, Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Tomohiro Yasuda (2014) Local amplification of storm surge by Super Typhoon Haiyan in Leyte Bay, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 41, 5106-5113, DOI: 10.1002/2014GL060689

  6. Tomohiro Yasuda, Sota Nakajo, S. Y. Kim, Hajime Mase, Nobuhito Mori and Kevin Horsburgh (2014) Evaluation of Future Storm Surge Risk in East Asia based on State-of-the-art Climate Change Projection, Coastal Engineering, Vol. 83, 65-71

  7. Kim, S.Y., Yasuda, T., Mase, H., (2010) Wave set-up in the storm surge along open coasts during Typhoon Anita, Coastal Engineering, 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2010.02.004.

  8. Kim, S.Y., Yasuda, T., Mase, H., (2008) Effects of Tidal Variations on Storm Surges and Waves, Applied Ocean Research, 30,311-322.

Articles published or accepted in referred Journals (In Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese with English Abstract)

  1. 中條壮大・山口龍太・外村・金 洙列 (2016) ニューラルネットワークモデルを用いた九州西岸域のあびき予測に関する基礎的研究, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),(採択)

  2. 澁谷容子・中條壮大・金洙列・森 信人・間瀬 肇 (2016) 第二室戸台風にもとづく大阪湾の高潮と浸水範囲におよぼす気候変動の感度評価, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),(採択)

  3. 中條壮大・藤木 秀幸・金 洙列(2016)水位上昇速度に着目した八代海湾奥での高潮災害の特徴分析と水防活動の関連について, 土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発),(採択)

  4. 山口 龍太・高山 勇斗・金 洙列・加藤 将也・藤木 秀幸・中條 壮大(2016)九州周辺海域におけるあびきの伝播,増幅に及ぼす微気圧変動および潮汐変動の影響について, 土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発),(採択)

  5. 金 洙列・松見吉晴・出田裕二郎・間瀬 肇・森 信人・安田誠宏 (2015) ニューラルネットワークによる高潮予測モデル, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol.71,No.2, pp. I_223-I_228

  6. 澁谷容子・中條壮太・森 信人・金 洙列・間瀬 肇(2015)気候変動に伴う最大クラス台風経路と高潮偏差および再現期間の推定―伊勢湾における検討―, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol.71,No.2, pp. I_1513-I_1518

  7. 中條壮大,藤木秀幸,金 洙列,森 信人,澁谷容子,安田誠宏(2015)東京湾における高潮災害ポテンシャルの評価に関する検討, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol.71,No.2, pp. I_199-I_204

  8. Nguyen Ba Thuy, Hoang Duc Cuong, Du Duc Tien, Do Dinh Chien, Sooyoul Kim (2014) Assessing the Changes of Sea Level due to Typhoon No. 3, 2014 and Forecasting Issues. Scientific and Technical Hydro-Meteorologcial Journal. ISSN 0866-8744. No. 647

  9. Do Dinh Chien, Nguyen Ba Thuy, Nguyen Tho Sao, Tran Hong Thai, Sooyoul Kim (2014) Study Interaction of Waves and Storm Surge by Numerical Model. Scientific and Technical Hydro-Meteorological Journal. ISSN 0866- 8744. No. 647

  10. 金 洙列・森 信人・澁谷容子・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇 (2014) 高潮・波浪結合モデルを用いた2013年台風30号(Haiyan)の高潮・波浪推算,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),I_226-I_23011) 中條壮大・金 洙列・森 信人・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇・山田文彦 (2014) 八代湾における高潮災害に及ぼす台風の移動速度と規模の影響について,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),I_256-I_260

  11. 森 信人・澁谷容子・竹見哲也・金 洙列・安田誠宏・丹羽竜也・辻尾大樹・間瀬 肇(2014)2013年台風30号Haiyanによる高潮の予測可能性と再解析精度,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),I_246-I_250

  12. 中尾 光・中條 壮大・金 洙列・ 山田 文彦(2014)台風シナリオの変化が八代湾奥の高潮偏差に及ぼす影響について,熊本大学 【学】231 II-56(土木学会西部支部)

  13. 金 洙列・塩崎信一・松見吉晴・玉井和久・福岡宏人(2013)ニューラルネットワークを用いたリアルタイム高潮予測における 学習パラメータの感度分析に関する研究,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol. 69, I_246-I_250.

  14. 中條壮大・金 洙列・森 信人・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇・山田文彦(2013)確率台風モデルと観測台風資料を組み合わせた高潮イベントアトリビューション– 八代海を対象とした最悪台風経路の基礎的検討–,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol. 69, I_366-I_370.

  15. 金 洙列・松浦智典・松見吉晴・玉井和久・安田誠宏・Tracey H. Tom・間瀬 肇(2013)中緯度の気象解析に対する WRF のパフォーマンス解析 — 惑星境界層スキームと雲物理モデルの影響 —,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol. 69, I_516-I_520.

  16. 金 洙列・松浦智典・松見吉晴・Tracey H. Tom・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇・西野博史 (2012) 山陰沿岸気象予測へのメソ気象モデル WRF のパラメータ 感度分析に関する研究, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol. 68, pp.I_1236- I_1240.

  17. 塩崎 信一・金 洙列・松見 吉晴・大田 隆夫,(2012) ニューラルネットワークによる山陰沿岸におけるリアルタイム高潮予測, 土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発),Vol.68,(No.2), No. 2 p. I_864-I_869.

  18. 安田誠宏・中條壮大・金 洙列・森 信人・間瀬 肇・KevinHorsburgh (2011) 気候変動予測実験出力を直接用いた高潮リスクの評価 , 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol.67,pp. I_1171- I_1175,2011.

  19. 間瀬 肇・武藤遼太・森 信人・金 洙列・安田誠宏・林 祐太 (2011) 詳細気象予測値を用いた伊勢湾台風高潮の再現実験, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol.67,pp. I_401- I_405,2011.

  20. 金 洙列・松見吉晴・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇・水沼裕介 (2011) 海浜流推算における潮汐・波浪・高潮結合モデルの開境界条件に関する研究, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol.67,pp. I_326- I_330,2011.

  21. 作中淳一郎・間瀬 肇・安田誠宏・森 信人・金 洙列・馬場康之 (2010) 非定常な風と波によって生じる吹送流・海浜流の予測モデル,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol.66,pp.321-325.

  22. 金 洙列・松見吉晴・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇 (2010) 日本海沿岸における台風通過後の異常高潮の発生メカニズムに関する一考察,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol.66,pp.221-225.

  23. 金 洙列,松見吉晴,安田誠宏,間瀬 肇,河合直樹 (2009) 日本海沿岸における台風通過後の異常高潮特性の解析,海岸工学論文集,第56巻,pp.376-380.

  24. 森 信人,高田理絵,安田誠宏,間瀬 肇,金 洙列 (2009) 強風時の表層鉛直混合が高潮および物理環境へ及ぼす影響,海岸工学論文集,第56巻,pp.241-245.

  25. 安田誠宏,山口達也,金 洙列,森 信人,間瀬 肇 (2009) 気象モデルにおける4次元データ同化およびネスティングが高潮推算精度に及ぼす影響に関する研究,海岸工学論文集,第56巻,pp.381-385.

  26. 金 洙列・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇 (2008) 潮汐・高潮・波浪結合モデルによる土佐湾異常高潮の追算,海岸工学論文集,第55巻,pp.321-325.

  27. 安田誠宏・山口達也・金 洙列・島田広昭・石垣泰輔・間瀬 肇 (2008) 潮汐・高潮・波浪結合モデルとメソ気象モデルWRFを用いた瀬戸内海における高潮再現計算に関する研究,海岸工学論文集,第55巻,pp.331-335.

  28. 安田誠宏・高田理絵・金 洙列・間瀬 肇 (2008) 地球温暖化予測データに基づく台風極端化特性の評価と高潮シミュレーション,海岸工学論文集,第55巻,pp.1331-1335.

  29. 金 洙列・高山知司・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇 (2007) 高潮と波浪に及ぼす大潮汐変動の影響に関する研究,海岸工学論文集,第54巻,pp.276-281

  30. Jung, J.W., Kim, S.Y., Kim, J.Y., Yoon, S.E., (2004) An Analysis of Flushing Effects for Instantaneous Contaminants Input into River, Journal of Korean society of Hazard Mitigation, Vol. 4, No. 3, 43-50 (in Korean).

  31. Yoon, S.E., Ko, J.H., Kim, S.Y., (2003) Analysis of Behavior Characteristics of Instantaneous Input of Pollutant in River, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, Vol. 36, No. 4, 575-586 (in Korean).

Proceedings to be Appeared

  1. Sota Nakajo, Hideyuki Fujiki, Sooyoul Kim, Nobuhito Mori, Yoko Shibutani and Tomohiro Yasuda (2016) The effect of variation of tropical cyclone track to assessment of severe storm surge event at Tokyo Bay, ICCE 2016

  2. Kim S., Kumagai, K. and Mase, H. (2016) Surge and flood modelling of Typhoon Haiyan 2013 using a surge-wave-tide coupled model, ECM14

  3. Kumagai, K., Kim, S., Pan, S. and Mase, H. (2016) Coupled modelling of waves and surges around Hokkaido coast due to winter low pressure system, ICCE 2016

  4. Junichi Ninomiya, Tetsuya Takemi, Nobuhito Mori, Yoko Shibutani and Sooyoul Kim (2015) Dynamical Downscaling of Typhoon Vera (1959) and related Storm Surge based on JRA-55 Reanalysis, AGU Fall Meeting.

Referred Proceedings Published

  1. Ngoc Pham Khanh, Luan Nguyen Thanh, Thuy Nguyen Ba, Sooyoul Kim and Lars Robert Hole, The impact of wave on coastal inundation, The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics in Naval Architecture, ocean Technology and Constructions, APHydro 2016, Hanoi, September 20-23, 2016.

  2. S. Kim, Y. Matsumi, S. Pan and H. Mase, Real-time wave prediction using artificial neural network, SCACR2015 – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research 28th September – 1st October 2015 – Florence, Italy

  3. Kim, S., Mori, N., Shibutani, Y., Yasuda, T., Mase, H. and Oh, J.H.: Storm surge simulations of Typhoon Haiyan 2013 using a parametric wind and pressure model, The 25th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, 2015

  4. Jihee Oh, Sooyoul Kim, Kyung-Duck Suh, Tomohiro Yasuda and Hajime Mase, Impact of Future Tropical Cyclones on Storm Surges around the Korean Peninsula, 5th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, Creta, Greece, 2015

  5. S., Kim, Matsumi, Y, Izuta, Y., Mase H., Mori, N. and Yasuda, T., Storm surge forecast using a neural network –Case Study of Sakai Minato and Hamada, Japan–, COASTAL STRUCTURES & SOLUTIONS TO COASTAL DISASTERS JOINT CONFERENCE, Boston, US, 2015.

  6. Do Dinh Chien, Tran Son Tung, Nguyen Ba Thuy, Trinh Thi Tam, Sooyoul Kim. (2014) Some calculated results of tide, storm surge and wave by SUWAT Model in Viet Nam. National Conference on Hydro-Meteorology, Environment and Climate Change. Viet Nam Publishing House of Natural Resources, Environment and Mapping.

  7. Kim S. Y., Matsumi, Y., H., Mase, N. Mori, and Yasuda, T (2014) Development of real time storm surge forecasting using artificial neural network, The 11th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, 949-955

  8. Shibutani, Y., S.Y., Kim, T., Yasuda, N., Mori and H., Mase (2014) Impact assessment of storm surge and inundation with sensitivity of future tropical cyclone changes, The 11th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society

  9. Shibutani, Y., S.Y., Kim, T., Yasuda, N., Mori and H., Mase (2014) Sensitivity of Future Tropical Cyclone Changes to Storm Surge and Inundation : Case Study in Ise Bay, Japan, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), management.27. doi:

  10. Kim, S.Y., Oh, J.H., Suh, K.D., Yasuda, T., and Mase, H. (2014) Evaluation of storm surges around Korean Peninsula in present and future climates, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), currents.23. doi:

  11. Nakajo, S., N., Mori, S. Y., Kim, T., Yasuda, F., Yamada and H., Mase (2014) Basic study on estimation method of return period and variation range of severe storm surge event, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), management.29. doi:

  12. Kim, S.Y., Y., Matsumi, J.H., Oh, K.D., Suh, T., Yasuda and H., Mase (2014) Prediction of Storm surges around Korean coasts using Climate Change Projection Data, Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth (2014) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, Korea, June 15-20, 2014, 866-870

  13. Kim S. Y., Shinichi Shiozaki, Yoshiharu Matsumi, (2013) Sensitivity study of real time storm surge forecast system to meteorological and hydrodynamic fields along the Sanin Coast, Japan, Proc. Of 7th Int. Conf. on Asian and Pacific Coasts, 555-560

  14. Nakajo, S., N.Mori, S. Y. Kim and T.Yasuda (2013) Consideration of applicability of stochastic tropical cyclone model for probability assessment of storm surge, Proc. Of 7th Int. Conf. on Asian and Pacific Coasts, 613-619.

  15. Kim S. Y., Tomonori Matsuur and Yoshiharu Matsumi, Tracey H. A. Tom, Tomohiro YASUDA and Hajime Mase, (2013) Sensitivity Analysis of Typhoon-induced Meteorological Fields along the Sanin Coast of Japan by WRF Parameter Settings, Proc. Int. Offshore and Polar Eng. Conf., Anchorage, Alaska, USA, pp.1027-1032.

  16. Kim S. Y., Shinichi Shiozaki, Yoshiharu Matsumi, Takao Ota, (2012) A study of a real-time storm surge forecast system using a neural network at the Sanin Coast, Japan, OCEANS’12 MTS/IEEE, 978-1-4673-0831-1/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE,

  17. Kim S. Y., Yoshiharu Matsumi, Tomohiro Yasuda, Hajime Mase, (2012) Consideration on Handling of Open Boundary Conditions in a Storm Surge Prediction Model, Proc. Int. Offshore and Polar Eng. Conf., Rhodes, Greece, pp.1508-1514.

  18. Kim S. Y., Yoshiharu Matsumi, Tomohiro Yasuda, Hajime Mase, (2011) Optimum open boundary conditions for coupled numerical model of tide, surge and wave, Proc. Of 6th Int. Conf. on Asian and Pacific Coasts, pp.1303-1312.

  19. Kim S. Y., Yoshiharu Matsumi, Tomohiro Yasuda, Hajime Mase, (2011) Effects of Coriolis Force on Storm Surge along West Coast of Japan Sea, Proc. Int. Offshore and Polar Eng. Conf., Hawaii, USA, pp.414-421.

  20. Kim, S.Y., Yoon, S.E., Matsumi, Y., (2009) A nested modeling of Typhoon Ewiniar Storm Surges using a Coupled model of surge, wave and tide, Proc. Conference on Korea Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Changwon, Korea.

  21. Yasuda, T., Mase, H., Takada, R., Kim, S.Y., Mori, N., Oku, Y., (2009) Evaluation of Typhoons due to Global Warming and Storm Surge Simulations by Using the General Circulation Model outputs, Proceedings of the 33rd Congress of IAHR, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp.387-392.

  22. Kim, S.Y., Yasuda, T., Mase, H., Matsumi, Y., (2009) Storm Surge Hindcast in Tosa Bay of Japan using a Coupled Model of Surge, Wave and Tide, Coastal Dynamics 2009, Tokyo, Japan, CD-ROM, No.19.

  23. Mori, N., Takada, R., Mase, H., Yasuda, T., Kim, S.Y., (2009) Effects of Wave Stress and Vertical Mixing on Storm Surge Simulation, Coastal Dynamics 2009, Tokyo, Japan, CD-ROM, No.20.

  24. Kim, S.Y., Matsumi, Y., Yasuda, T., Mase, H., (2009) Storm Surge Hindcast around West Coast of Japan Sea using a Coupled Model of Surge, Wave and Tide, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Asian and Pacific coasts, Singapore, pp.125-131.

  25. Yasuda, T., Yamaguchi, T., Kim, S.Y., Shimada, H., Mase, H., (2009) Numerical Study of Storm surges in the Seto Inland Sea By Multi Physics Model, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Asian and Pacific coasts, Singapore, pp.170-176.

  26. Kim, S.Y., Takayama, T., Yasuda, T., Mase, H., (2007) Effect of large tidal variation on storm surge in the western coast of Korea, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Asian and Pacific coasts. 589-602.

  27. Kim, S.Y, Takayama, T., Yasuda, T., (2006) Effect of large tidal variation on storm surge in the coast sea of western Korea, Proc. Techno Ocean, CD-ROM, P-182, 1-10.

  28. Yoon, S.E., Ko, J.H., Kim, S.Y., Im, D.H., (2002) Estimation of Traveltime of Pollutants with Variation of Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficients, Proc. Conference on Korean Society of Civil Engineers, Korea, 526-529 (in Korean).

  29. Ko, J.H., Ryu, T.H., Kim, S.Y., Yoon, S.E., (2002) An Analysis of pollutant behavior characteristics with variation of dispersion coefficients in the downstream part of Han River, Proc. Conference on Korea Water Resources Association, Korea, 389-393 (in Korean).